New 936 Movement Spotlight on: "The Rottweiler" Jay Davis

What do professional wrestlers Junk Yard Dog, Shawn Michaels & Eddie Gurerro have in common? They all served as inspiration to a young man from the 936 area who has the wrestling world in a headlock..literally. Check out our spotlight on Jaquarious Davis (professionally known as "The Rottweiler" Jay Davis) as he talks to us about climbing the pro wrestling ladder & how you can never give up on your dream no matter how crazy it may seem.

Q. Who influenced or inspired you?

 A. As far as inspiration personally My Grandfather David Wilkerson inspired me although he never wrestled it was a bond we had as far as watching it together and being invested into the world of pro wrestling.. He reminds me all the time how he would put me in his lap as a toddler and the only way i would stop crying would be when wrestling came on and since then its been running through my veins. As far a professional inspiration I would say. ( Junk Yard Dog, Edddie Guerrero, Chris benoit, Kurt angle, Shawn Michaels..)And a few others.

Q. How long have you been in business/performing?

A. Ive been Wrestling for almost 3 years.. November marks my 3rd year since I started traing and its been 2 years since ive been performing in front of crowds.

Q. Where are you from originally?

A. Im from Montgomery Texas but have been in conroe for the majority of my life.

Q. What sets your art/business apart from others?

A. What sets my Profession apart from others is the simple fact that Its been some ive wanted to fo my entire life and ive been blessed to have to opportunity to live my dream and put smiles on faces

Q. What do you have coming up?

 A. My next Show will be held in Houston Tx at the Karbach Brewery at 1pm october 31st and i have a lot more bookings up until febuary of 2022

Q. Any words of advice?

 A. If you have a DREAM follow it… No matter how big or small the dream is go after it God blessed us with life and in doing so we all have a calling we all have something to pursue You are given one chance at life So make sure You dont pass the chance up never live life asking “What if” go on in life saying “I Did”

Click here to watch "The Rottweiler" in action



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